Empowered parents and children

A mindbody course for busy families

Welcome to an accessible, hands-on opportunity for parents who want to:

  • feel less stressed and overwhelmed

  • have calmer, more cooperative kids

  • have parenting feel less like a battleground

  • know the right thing to do (when our kids are falling apart, when they’re uncooperative, and when we’re tapped out)

  • and enjoy life and parenting a lot more (without adding more to do)

    If that’s you, you’re invited to join us for the 5 week empowered parents and children course that will empower you to:

  • diffuse challenges

  • feel more balanced, rested and resourced

  • and transform your relationships

If you’re like me, you want to be an awesome, balanced, successful parent raising resilient, happy and thriving kids. And you don’t need another thing to have to DO! All the things on the list already are exhausting!

What you also don’t need is more parenting advice. There’s a lot of it. And reading about yet another thing we’re supposed to know and do and be aware as a parent just worsens the guilt. (not to mention how often the ‘experts’ advice seem to contradict one another).

You want more of those sweet, love-filled moments with your kids. You know, when you watch your child sleep, when everything else slips away, and you’re here, right now, present to how much you love this little person? Life feels…. good.

But too much of life feels nothing like that, when it’s all a chaotic rush of getting everyone fed, finding that sock, soothing a child whose cereal isn’t sitting the right way in her bowl, getting ready for work…

Sure, you’d love more balance, to feel like you can savour time with your family… and also stay connected to your spouse, your friends, your work.. and it feels stressful just thinking about all the pieces (adding in the house cleaning, grocery shopping, activity planning, the never-ending to do list..)

But that’s life with kids (especially really little ones)…. isn’t it??

It doesn’t have to be. Life with kids is full. And we can transform how that full feels. A full that feels joyful and rewarding and spacious! Here’s where I pitch this course and let you know how I can support you in finding just that.

This Mindbody parenting class will:

  • allow you to enjoy parenting much more with simple shifts

  • open up the space for more gratitude (more of that living-in-the-now kid sleeping peace please!)

  • uncover many more ways to feel rested

  • enhance feelings of acceptance, fulfillment and connection to purpose

  • show you why there there is no need for all that guilt and how you can let it go

  • explain why more self-care and nourishment for YOU actually supports your whole family

  • guide you in experiencing more calm, joyful, ease and connection with your kids

  • reflect what an amazing job you already are doing, all that you’re achieving (and how feeling better in your life and parenting isn’t about doing more!)

  • empower you to know what’s right for your family (instead of a one-size-fits-all approach) and know how to respond in the moment

  • support a deep trust in yourself through tapping into a lot more wisdom than you may realise you have

  • break down those parenting buzz words: co-regulation, bodybrain parenting, mindbody, somatic awareness, mindful parenting, growth mindset and what they really mean and look like in our day-to-day lives

  • provide you with simple tools to use in all the busy moments of your life to cultivate more of what you want for yourself and your family

It’s not a magic bullet. Like all shifts, it’s really about the little things. And about practice. We’ll cover all of that. And you will leave empowered to make the shifts you’re wanting for yourself and your family. In a way that feels good and easy.

What would you be signing up for you ask?

The logistics:

Sliding scale pricing:

  • This course is offered on a sliding scale. Visit the sliding scale page to self-assess what fee is right for you and to access discount codes

  • Full fee $200USD

  • 25% off $150USD

  • 50% off $100USD

  • 75% off $50USD

The course includes:

  • 5 live zoom sessions (that you can tune into no matter what you’re up to at the time)

  • Recordings of all sessions

  • 2 X 15 minute one-on-one calls (pre-course and post-course)

  • course handouts provided to easily implement strategies

This course is for parents who:

  • want parenting to feel more joyful and connected

  • want to feel more balanced in their lives

  • want to stay connected to a sense of purpose

  • want to be able to celebrate and enjoy right now

  • want to nourish their kids with more resilience, connection, responsiveness

  • want to know how to make the right choices for their family

  • want more ease, joy and connection (without feeling like they need to add more things to do!)

  • are ready to let go of parenting guilt

  • want a more empowering way to deal with challenging behaviours

  • love their kids like mad and feel overwhelmed at times

  • can get triggered by their kids

  • care deeply about their children’s wellbeing

This course will cover:

  • bite-sized educational pieces to understand brain and nervous system development and habit change

  • empirically validated evidence in bodybrain parenting

  • how to connect to our own intuition

  • how to feel more in our bodies (and more in connection, in sense of purpose, in gratitude, in acceptance)

  • how these little shifts can substantially decrease our stress and help us remember what’s important, what it’s all about (and enjoy it)

  • how weaving somatic (embodied) awareness can support healing, regulation and connection

  • tools to calm ourselves so we can show up as our best selves for our kids (and ourselves)

  • simple, personalised practices and tools that fit your life (and you can do in your life) that can support the shifts you want in your family

This course will be facilitated by:

Twyla Kowalenko, MSW PhD. I’m a mother of 2, a doctor of somatics, embodiment coach, movement facilitator, dance teacher and DJ. I’m passionate about empowering others (and especially other parents!) to connect to their own knowing. I love sharing the power and potential of being more fully in our bodies. Of why we would want to practice more embodied awareness and how we can do it easefully (without feeling like we need to add more to the to do list).

I’ve been facilitating and teaching for over 2 decades. I’ve developed a practical, transformative approach to somatic education. And I’ve applied it to my own life. Especially my parenting. There has been some challenging stuff I’ve had to move through in my life. I’ve had a lot of my own triggers to work through and guilt to let go of. I still make tonnes of mistakes. I doubt myself often. And know I’m a powerful facilitator. I facilitate responsively, meaning the course will meet you, where you are in the moment. I will show up for you, witness you, empower you and you’ll leave empowered.

I know this stuff works. It’s completely transformed my parenting and relationships.

I can’t wait to share with you! And celebrate all you’ve gained by June 17th!