Sliding Scale Pricing
When a sliding scale is offered through Soma’ing, it is done through self-assessment.
You get to decide which price tier is right for you. The amount that feels accessible to you while honouring the services offered. It’s important for me to balance accessibility and sustainability of this work.
Below you’ll find some sliding scale fee guidance offered by Ride Free Fearless Money. I really appreciate this guidance as it acknowledges that there are many factors that impact what we can each afford.
The guidance below is offered to help you honestly consider your circumstances. And if the format below feels like too much to go over, I invite you to take a moment to consider your privilege, roadblocks, assets & debts, income, and family assets/roadblocks. Feel into the price range that works for you to pay and to acknowledge what you receive.
Discount codes are provided below.
Visual sliding scale guidance: (sliding scale assessment from Ride Free Fearless Money)
The diagram is written out below:
The areas of sliding-scale self-assessment are:
privilege & roadblocks
earned assets & debts
family assets / roadblocks
The prompts in the scale are:
Anything true for you towards the beginning of the list moves you towards the top of the sliding scale, and anything towards the end of the list moves you towards the bottom of the sliding scale:
Family assets / roadblocks
I live mostly or all off unearned / gifted income
I live partially off unearned income
My family has many assets, like investments
I have access and gave it away
Someone else paid or pays my rent/mortgage
I can choose to work or not
I choose to work part time or for less pay since I need less money/have external support
Family has many assets, like a paid-off house and/or parents have retirement accounts
Family of origin has assets, like a house they are paying
I help my family with $
I support others besides myself on my income
My family has few assets
I have no family or access to family
My family has no assets
Earned assets & debts
I have high earning power (even if im not exercising it today)
My career is stable and moving forward
I have student loans for professional or post-secondary education in my current field that I work in
I have student loans and most people in my family have higher education
I have a graduate degee
Someone in my family explained how careers work
I have a bachelors degree
I am struggling to pay more than minimums on debt
I have student loans and I was among the first in my family to go to college
Career? What career?
Currently accruing survival credit card debt
Privilege & roadblocks
I have a degree(s) without having had loans.
I choose to go out to eat or drink weekly (or more).
My race, ethnicity, skin color or gender doesn’t impact my income
I can cover my basic needs + some extras regularly
I’m able bodied
I can cover my basic needs regularly
I give unpaid volunteer time to community
My race, ethnicity, skin color or gender(s) does impact my income
I have non-optional health care costs to cover
I’m sick or disabled and that impacts my ability to work / earn money.
I struggle to cover basic needs regularly
Employed make over $125k
OR I make a high income relative to my home’s average income
Employed, make over $85k
Employed, make $60-85k
OR I make a middle income relative to my home’s average income
Employed make $40 – 60k
Employed, make $25-40k
OR I make a low income relative to my home’s average income
Unemployed with UI or employed marginally
Unemployed + no UI– employed less than marginally
Discount Codes
25% off: 25OFF
50% off: 50OFF
75% off: 75OFF
** if the lowest tier is still financially inaccessible and you’re interested in participating, please contact