
Weaving soma’ing into your day-to-day

Practices, articles, videos and podcasts… choose the way in that works for you to deepen your understanding of why the experience in your body matters and how you can cultivate more of the attentional practice in your life to support what matters to you.

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Soma’ing Guided practices

Soma'ing practices are opportunities to bring our awareness to the experience in our bodies while we're living our lives. And to use this awareness to open up choice and make the shifts we want and need where it matters - in our busy lives.

Soma'ing practices are ones you can use during your regular activites, instead of needing to find extra time.

Music to Move to.

Curated and recorded music sets.

Take a listen and let the journey move you. Whether that's through dancing, moving, feeling or being.

the soma’ing interviews podcast

Tune into some exciting interviews with some awesome humans who have integrated somatic awareness into their lives, where they share how soma’ing has made a difference and tips of easily weaving somatic attention into yours

The soma’ing interviews video series.

Click here to watch some exciting interviews with some awesome humans who have integrated somatic awareness into their lives, where they share how soma’ing has made a difference and tips of easily weaving somatic attention into yours

Twyla Kowalenko Twyla Kowalenko

a movement poem

a poem from 2017

i've been here before

dropped into the flow

what happens when i do this

and this

and this

and this

endless curiosity


the unknown

it's why i show up on the dancefloor


and again

and again

why i'd dance every day

if i could

i could

but i don't every day

some days i can't find the could between

the lines on the computer screen

the lines for the 196

the lines on the sidewalk

the lines i've drawn in the sand

as to what productive work looks like

as to what i'm supposed to be doing

as to what makes me a respectable, contributing member of society




worth something

and really i know it's bullshit

every time i dance

and find space around the stories

the drama

the smallness i can so easily fall into of what life is, what i am, what this is

and instead move freely in that space

where worth morphs into the unknown

where every line my body makes

is full

and beautiful

and worth it all

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