One-on-one coaching
“the movements we make make us”
(Kimerer LaMothe, Why we Dance, 2015)
If you’ve landed here, you may be interested in soma’ing coaching and curious what it could offer you. And I’m so excited that I get to share a little bit about the possibilities for you and your life through one-on-one support.
Just as those possibilities are co-created between you and me when we work together, I invite you to spend a moment here with me, across time and space through this webpage, feeling into what is now and what you want.
I invite you to take a moment
to notice
your eyes moving across the words on this page
to notice
the movement of your breath in your body.
As we sit here together for a moment,
I invite you to consider what you really want in your life.
As your thoughts move towards what you desire,
are you aware of any sensations or movement in your body? (hint: there’s no right answer here!)
Take another breath with me
and let your thinking travel to consider:
we are collections of patterns of movement.
Notice what thoughts or emotions arise with that idea.
I invite you to consider: when we were learning to walk, there was a lot of awareness needed to attend to every part of our moving selves (that we can see in the incredible focus of a baby taking her first steps). Yet, once we learned to walk, it became a pattern that we just knew how to do that we could recreate and reinforce the more that we walked. We didn't and don’t need to have the same level of awareness. (And most of us pay no attention to our bodies as we walk most of the time)
We have this amazing ability to create habitual patterns that we can rely on and not have to think about everything we do (imagine needing to pay attention to everything happening in your body every time you walked??). We’ve all created countless thought patterns, movement patterns, emotional patterns in our lives. Some can be really helpful, allowing us to do more and do it more efficiently, to feel connected and alive and healthy. Some patterns can be less helpful or even harmful to our health and what we want to do and create. And many of our patterns have some more and less helpful aspects to them. Most of the time, issues with our movement patterns can be so subtle or unconscious, we are not aware of them and see no reason to attend to them.
The thing about patterns is that when they become automatic, we no longer have choice. Being able to bring our awareness to these patterns allows us to have choice and allows us to transform our patterns. To decide if they are movements we want to continue or if there are other movements that are more in line with what we want and who we want to be.
This may sound like a complicated or difficult task. And it isn’t always easy or straightforward to notice what we don’t notice…
where do we start?
And this brings us to our work together and the support you’d receive in one-on-one soma’ing coaching.
As your coach, it is my commitment to support you in bringing your awareness to your movement patterns and experience in your body in simple and straightforward ways that you can weave into your day to day and transform what really matters to you. To create and reinforce movements that feel good and healthy and fulfilling for you.
Soma’ing coaching
Soma’ing coaching is guided by your body and what’s important to you
Soma’ing coaching brings our awareness to our patterns
Soma’ing coaching helps us cultivate practices to bring awareness to the interconnection of our movements – our cognitive, emotional, social and physical movements
Soma’ing coaching empowers us to choose our movements
Soma’ing coaching supports lasting and transformative change (in what matters to you) by integrating body, thoughts and emotions
Soma’ing coaching happens in the present moment
Soma’ing coaching provides us with the tools to ground and centre ourselves through all the ups and downs of life
Soma’ing coaching can happen virtually or in person
Soma’ing coaching requires no previous experience in movement or somatic practices
Soma’ing coaching may involve subtle or larger movements (we may spend our entire session seated or we may move around)
Soma’ing coaching involves invitations. You are never required to do anything you don’t want to do. It’s important it works for you
Movement patterns also happen between us.
It’s important that any coach you work with feels like the right fit for you. If you’d like to feel into what could be possible in our work together and whether it’s what you’re looking for, I’m happy to have an exploratory call. If we don’t click, I’m also happy to share resources and refer you to other individuals who offer embodied coaching. It’s my commitment that you get support in the transformation you’re looking for.
I can’t wait to meet you and explore moving together.
What people are saying…
“Twyla’s facilitation skills are exceptional. I benefitted greatly from her somatic coaching expertise. While on my growing edge, Twyla gently and compassionately supported the movement of my body’s energies and honoured its flow. Her loving presence is what allowed me to connect, acknowledge, validate and release. I was amazed by her intuitive wisdom and grace. For anyone seeking tender witnessing and guidance, I recommend Twyla as a coach.”
— Elizabeth, coaching client