

Masterclass offered as pay-what-you-want.

This is an opportunity for masterclass participants to offer a payment as exchange for a masterclass experience, including access to the recording and a downloadable practice. Each participant can choose an amount that is within their means and feels meaningful as an exchange for what they received.

See below for instructions on how to choose your amount.

Add To Cart
Masterclass increments

To choose the amount to pay in USD:

  1. Add product to cart - this adds $1US to your payment

  2. Choose what to add from the pull-down menu - increments of $1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50

  3. You can choose the same add on multiple times to get to the amount you want.

    1. For example, if you wanted to pay $45 - you would add the item to cart for $1, then add 2 additions of $2 and 2 additions of $20

  4. When you’ve gotten the amount you want, click on the cart button to be taken to the check out page.

  5. If you have any trouble at all, contact for support!

  6. Thank you for your exchange!